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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Glam Contest results

We were not impressed with the performance of our Glamour contest. I want to apologize to all my customers, fellow photographic peers, family and friends that had to read all the high school comments. We would like to give a special thank you to the entire voters that took there time during the day to come and vote for your selection. Please accept our apologies and we thank you!

The reason this contest was cancel, was a decision made from our research regarding the outcome of the contest. One of the biggest reasons of our decision was the discussed comments & emails we have been receiving. Here at Kaizen-Foto we strive for perfection, no matter what we strive for being perfect!
Saying that!

We are going to offer all the Glamour contestants the wining prize. Contestants will be contact by our booking agent to schedule their photo shoot session. Congratulations to all!

Walter Malabehar-Cantu

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that the Immaturity level was set to high...
